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A look into our spring term

A look over last term

Before we take a look at what we are currently doing during the spring term, we would like to take a moment to reflect on last term, and what an amazing Christmas performance the children put on our last day. They had been practicing their singing and dancing at home and at pre-school, and they performed perfectly on the day. They were rewarded with a surprise visit from Father Christmas, who brought with him some wonderful gifts for the children. Our committee was hard at work serving up hot chocolate with whipped cream, sprinkles, and mince pies. We also held a Festive hamper raffle and would like to thank everyone who supported this event.

Chinese New Year

Spring term has begun, and we welcome many new children and their families to the pre-school. We celebrated the Chinese New Year, “the year of the rabbit”, with a food-tasting session, and the children had the chance to experience eating their food with chopsticks.

The hungry caterpillar

The hungry caterpillar is a very popular book with the children, so we decided to explore the book further. We talked about the life cycle of the caterpillar from egg to butterfly, the type of food the caterpillar eats and the different sizes it becomes. We have been busy creating butterflies, caterpillars and a cocoon, using a variety of different materials, textures and techniques. These have produced a colourful display.

An icy January

Due to the very cold icy weather this January, the children have been fascinated with the ice that formed in the garden. They noticed different shapes in the ice, how cold it felt and watched as it melted. This created further conversations as to what animals live in cold climates.



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